5 Road Trip Safety Tips You Need to Know

Is there anything more exciting than the great American road trip? Setting off in your car, van or RV with your friends by your side and hitting the open road. Sounds ideal, right? However, if you want to avoid being one of the thousands of tourists and travellers who find themselves stranded on backroads and unfamiliar towns then you’re going to need to prepare a little.

Sadly, jumping in your car without any plans of where you’re going or even having the right equipment with you can have dire consequences. The last thing you want is to be caught up in a road traffic accident, even one that wasn’t your fault – I came across this law firm in Dallas who you can get in touch with to find out more about the next steps to take if this happens to you. 

If you want to avoid getting into trouble whilst travelling read on for 5 road safety tips that you need to know before you hit the road.

Plan your route

Of course, being spontaneous works in the movies, however, in real life we need a little more common sense. Plan your route from beginning to end, adding in all the places you’re meaning to stop at, bathroom breaks and overnight stops. Get to know the route on a traditional map as well as Google Maps or your sat nav. Make reservations at the hotels, motels or lodges you’re planning to sleep at and mark where the gas stations are!

Maintain your car

If your car is roadworthy, you’re more likely to actually reach your destination and enjoy your trip. Before you travel and during your time on the road, you should check:

  • All engine fluids
  • Tyre pressure 
  • Lights
  • The battery
  • Windshield wipers

Make sure your luggage is tied down

Throwing your suitcase in the back? Sounds logical, however, anything that isn’t tied down could become a projectile if you’re in a crash. So, make sure all luggage is tied or secured. 

Wear a seatbelt

It’s basic information, however, those driving along those long, straight routes may not think a seatbelt is necessary. They’re wrong! You should wear a seatbelt at all times, and so should your passengers, including in a El Paso limousine service!

Monitor the weather

A heatwave, snow, tornadoes or driving rain. The weather can have a huge impact on your journey so keep up to date with the latest weather reports. 




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