Driving for the Holidays: What You Need to Know

The holiday season is here and with it brings celebrations, gatherings and traveling for many people to be with loved ones. The holiday season also brings inclement weather and additional driving hazards that threaten everyone on the road, from drivers to pedestrians and bicyclists.

The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates with 90% certainty that 2022 will bring 301 to 393 traffic deaths on Christmas day alone. For New Year’s Day, NSC estimates 408 people may die on U.S. roads. This holiday season, choose safety. Mitigate your chances of being involved in a holiday car collision by utilizing the following holiday driving safety tips.

Never Drive Impaired

Car collisions due to drinking, drowsiness, and distracted behaviors are 100% preventable. Any type of impairment while driving can have disastrous consequences for everyone on the road.

Do Not Drive Drowsy

Drowsy driving can impair drivers similarly to drunk driving, note car collision experts at Manchin Injury Law Group. Some studies show drowsy driving may be more dangerous than drunk driving as a driver who falls asleep will not react to any type of stimulus on the road. 

Do Not Drive Drunk

25% of adults admit they drink more during the holiday season. If you plan on drinking, plan how you will get around before you take a sip. Having a plan in action, whether designated sober driver or Rideshare app, can mitigate holiday stress or the temptation to drive inebriated.

Do Not Drive Distracted 

Even a single second of distraction can lead to a catastrophic collision. The three types of distracted driving: cognitive, visual, and manual. Any of these distractions can endanger you and everyone on the road.  

Wear Your Seatbelt

One of the safest choices you can make when traveling is choosing to buckle up. Putting on a seatbelt is second nature to many drivers and passengers and for good reason: buckling up can prevent nearly 50% of automobile deaths. 

According to recent research, more than 75% of people ejected in fatal crashes die from their critical injuries. Only 1% of passengers who were wearing seat belts were ejected. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates seat belts saved an estimated 14,955 lives in 2017. 

Check Weather Conditions

Black ice, wildlife, poor visibility, low tire tread, cold temperatures, and salt on the road are just some of the dangerous conditions that may be present while driving during the holidays. 

Always check weather conditions before you head out on the road. If inclement weather is approaching, opt to travel another time when conditions have cleared. If you must drive, drive at an appropriate seed for road and weather conditions. Perform a maintenance check on your car to ensure everything is in good working order and your vehicle is prepared for whatever driving conditions may be present. 

Safety is Everyone’s Holiday Responsibility

By utilizing these three safety tips, you can promote safety on the road and help mitigate your chances of a serious collision. Everyone deserves a safe holiday season. Safety is everyone’s responsibility and by choosing to think ahead, you could save lives.



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