The Lessons That You Don’t Get Taught in Driver’s Ed

No matter how long ago you learned to drive, there are plenty of things that you will have been taught in driver’s education that you use now in your driving each day. From being taught how to correctly do a three-point turn to learning how to merge onto a highway, we take these lessons on board and it helps us to be the drivers that we are today. However, there are some things that we don’t get taught during driver’s ed classes that all drivers need to know about. Here are some of the lessons that you don’t get taught about in driver’s ed, but that all drivers should know.

Factors that impact the cost of car insurance

One of the things that we don’t get taught is about car insurance. The costs of car insurance are not discussed, as well as nothing about knowing how to choose the one that is going to be right for you. This is something that can take a lot of time to research, but if you have an idea about the factors that influence the price, such as having another experienced driver on your policy, or pay people to write essays then it can pay off when it comes to choosing the right car insurance for you. 

What to do if you are in a car crash

If you are in an incident with your car, whether it is a rear-end collision or a head-on crash, you need to know what to do. In those situations, adrenaline can kick in and then you might forget to do or ask certain things, especially if you’re not too sure what you should be doing in the first place. If it is safe to do so, don’t move the vehicles until you have taken down details, such as the other driver’s insurance details, licence plate, and contact details. Check their ID, and take photos of the incident or car damage, on both vehicles, with your phone. Call a family member or a friend, especially if you need help. Obviously, for anything more severe, you may need to call the police, ask people nearby who saw it happen to act as witnesses (getting their contact details too), and perhaps call an ambulance if required.

Slow driving can be just as dangerous as fast driving

It is quite safe to say that when you are in a driver’s ed class, you are never told to put your foot down or to ‘floor it.’ However, there are some occasions when you really should put your foot on the gas and pick up your speed. Driving slowly somewhere that has a high speed limit, like a highway, can be dangerous for yourself, but as well as the others driving around you. You shouldn’t speed, but speed limits are there for a reason, so driving close to them is acceptable.

Ten and two had positions can lead to fatigue

Holding your hands in a ten-and-two hand position on the steering wheel can cause fatigue for your arms and hands, and mean less control over time. It can be a good idea to hold the steering wheel at an eight-and-four position if you are on a long journey, especially when you’re on a highway and going to be driving straight for the majority of the time.



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