How To Get Your Dream Car On A Budget

When it comes to dream cars, we all have (at least) one. Though you may think that it is impossible to purchase it, particularly if you have no savings and you don’t have a good enough credit score to get a loan to help you out, this is not always the case. Whether it’s a Bugatti Veyron or something less expensive (and a little more realistic) it may not be as difficult as you think to get your hands on that car you’ve always wanted, and there are many different routes to take if you’re looking to be on the road in your new car in no time, so read on if you want to know how!

Look out for monthly repayments

Whether you have savings or not, most of us can’t pay out a massive lump sum to have a new car, and the good news is that you don’t always need to. There are many companies out there that will get you on the road and experiencing the thrill of your brand new vehicle, after paying a deposit and agreeing on a monthly repayment scheme (and this doesn’t always come with a great additional cost). This is also usually quite flexible, so whether you can afford to pay it off in one year or two, there will be a way to fit the repayment scheme around your budget and your monthly wages. Speak to somebody about this if you’re interested, and don’t put yourself out by paying off the costs of your car straight away if you don’t need to! Now, where’s that Bugatti Veyron gone?

Check out used cars first

We know what you’re thinking: a used car? But there is no need to stick with the stereotypical image that you may have in your head. There are no used takeaway wrappers on the floor around here, and you won’t find anything suspicious beneath the seats, either. In fact, if you go through a used car dealer, all of the cars will be valeted, and there will be many tests carried out to make sure that what you’re getting is the real deal. Not only will this save you a lot of money, but you’ll probably be able to sell the car on for a similar price if you want to change your car for (another) one of your dream vehicles. So why not get shopping for used cars rather than going straight for the brand new ones out there on the market, and save yourself some cash, which will also allow you to get more for your money!

Be smart when you’re looking for cars

Ok, so you may be thinking that there is no way that you want a car without a built-in SatNav, and a whole host of other things. You may have a list of things that you want, and you might not be willing to budge when it comes to what you’re looking for. But you’ll be able to get yourself a better deal by being a bit more savvy when you’re shopping, and looking for ways to save yourself a bit of cash. Why not get a SatNav that isn’t built-in? Not only will it be just as effective, but it also allows you to remove it from the car, update it, and use it in any other vehicles that you drive. You can get a whole host of things changed in your car, such as the radio and other devices, so why not look at modifications that you can get done rather than splashing out on a car that comes with these things? Being smart about this is key!

Look local

Whilst we’re all guilty of just looking online or going straight to a car dealer, you could be missing a budget car that is right on your doorstep! There are probably many people in your local area looking to sell their vehicles, who just don’t want to go through used car dealers for whatever reason (they may not want to give the middleman a cut of the profit, for example). Look in your local area and don’t disregard word of mouth, as you could manage to get yourself a bargain (and you won’t have to go far to go and get it). Be careful here – as you would be when buying a car anywhere – and make sure you have all of the important documentation before you hand over any cash. The last thing that you want is to find out that the car isn’t what you thought it was!

Check the running costs of the car

Ok, so you think that you’ve got yourself a deal, but the main cost may be the amount of gas that you have to put into the car and various other expenses that you have to pay out. Some cars are not only expensive to run, but they’re also expensive to repair and maintain, so make sure that you’ve had a look into this before you think that you’ve bagged yourself a deal. Research, research, and research again: how much is insurance? How much does it cost for a service, and will you be able to afford it given your monthly budget? Ensure that you’ve considered all things, as this is a big investment and there could be some unexpected expenses just hiding around the corner!

In brief…

If you have a dream car in mind, and you think that you can’t afford it, you may be wrong! There are many ways to fund the vehicle you’ve always wanted, from monthly repayments to shopping for used (and local) cars. Not only this, but it is important to be smart when you’re shopping (and compromise a little if you have to) and checking the running, repair and maintenance costs of the car you’re eyeing will also help you in the long-run! Whichever route you decide to take, research it thoroughly and make sure that you’re not handing your cash over to the wrong person. However, you could soon be on the way to driving your beautiful new car into the sunset…


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